The Council for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (CADAS) opened its doors in 1964 to offer the highest quality treatment, prevention and educational services to the chemically dependent, their families and the community at large. Few recognized how much we would grow and how successful we would be.
Since those humble beginnings, CADAS has served tens of thousands of clients in a variety of programs – all designed to promote recovery. As you view this website, you will see the variety and scope of services we offer. You will surely notice the quality staff and the pleasant atmosphere. But most of all, I hope you will see that there is hope. Hope for a full and useful life of recovery. Hope for families, friends and relationships. Hope for individuals afflicted with this strange, baffling and powerful disease.
I welcome you to our website and invite you to visit our facility and witness our commitment to the clients we serve and the passion of our staff.
All the Best,
Paul Fuchcar, M.Ed., Ed.D., Executive Director
The Council for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services, Inc.